Monday, December 14, 2009
Posted by Jen at 10:12 AM 2 comments
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Fall Fun!
Posted by Jen at 8:52 AM 3 comments
Thursday, December 10, 2009
6 Years Old!
Here she is with her new bear. She named it Rainbow Birthday Bear.
Posted by Jen at 3:05 PM 3 comments
Thursday, September 24, 2009
First Grade, Preschool, and Joshy!
Here is Zachy boy on his first day of Preschool. This is his second year at the preschool and he is very excited to be in the monkey class with Mrs. Jennifer. I had to work that day, so this is the only picture we got of this sweet boy!
And here is my Joshy boy! What else can I say but we have tons of fun while Allison and Zachary are at school. We color on our faces, we squeeze out toothpaste from the tubes, we lock mommy out of the house, we take every shoe out of the closet, we eat chalk, and the list goes on and on. This kid does stuff that my other two never did. I think Zachary says it best when he calls Josh "The crazy-rat boy!"
Posted by Jen at 1:18 PM 5 comments
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
FIRST lost tooth & FIRST day of FIRST grade!
Here is the tooth hanging from the floss!
The proud smile! (Her teeth are a little yellow...maybe lighting from the camera, maybe not!)
Posted by Jen at 9:51 AM 4 comments
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
What's your cell phone story?
I didn't have a cell phone story until today. I have heard some funny my mom dropping hers in the toilet at work and it was an automatic flush and it flushed before she could get it out! I don't think mine is quite that good but now I at least have a cell phone story. Today I was outside with Josh (we were watching the chickens) I was talking to Nora on my cell phone, and Josh got distracted by something in the pool. So, I followed him near the pool and as I was standing there a gnat flew in my nose. I'm not sure why I didn't swat at it with my other hand, but with the hand I was holding the phone with. The phone went flying into the pool and all I hear come out of Joshy's mouth is "UH-O." It's is favorite thing to say right now. For a split second I thought about diving in and getting it (like it was my kid or something) but I went for the pool net and grabbed it out. I let it dry out and it seems to somewhat be working. Certain numbers are not, but maybe it just needs a few more hours to chill out???? If you need to get a hold of me, call the house phone! What is your cell phone story?
Posted by Jen at 8:13 PM 2 comments
Monday, August 3, 2009
Where's Zachary?
The other day we were out swimming and Zachary need to use the bathroom. I told him to get out, grab a towel and them come back out. This is pretty much a usual occurrence even though I make him go before he goes outside to swim. Why is that? Anyway, it was taking him a LONG time to come back out. So I went in to check on him and this is what I found! He didn't even make it to the bathroom. I could tell because his wet footprints went straight to the bed. He was also barely on the bed and with even a twitch would have fallen off. So the second picture is after I pushed him over so he wouldn't fall off the bed. It had been a long day and Zachy is my one who likes his sleep! I wonder if that was his plan all along...
Posted by Jen at 12:18 PM 3 comments
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Fourth of July
Fourth of July this year was fun as usual. We had our second annual bike/bbq/parade party down in Huntington Beach. Nora has a nice friend who lets us come, crash on her lawn, and watch the parade. There is great food, an awesome parade, and great company. This year David and Kenna joined us with little Addie who at one month enjoyed her first bike ride. Uncle Stevie was down and of course Grandma, the Kochs, and us!
This was Alli's first time riding her two wheeler down to the parade. She did a great job keeping up with all of us. She is getting so big!
Zachary was bumped out of the trailer and rode on the bike attachment
Joshy was buddied up with June bug and kept taking her paci in and out of her mouth. She didn't seem to mind. It was better than the alternative of Charlie riding with Josh. Charlie was originally placed with Josh, but within seconds Charlie was whacking away and Josh was in tears. So..."solitary confinement" it was for Charlie boy!
Posted by Jen at 11:30 AM 1 comments
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Father's Day
Father's day landed the day before Ryan and I left for our big trip (I will post about it soon) so I was busy getting things ready for us to leave. I did make a nice dinner for him, but the only "presents" Ryan got were these cool ties the kids made for him. Alli and Zach were so proud of them and couldn't wait for Ryan to wear them to church. He had to wear both of course!
Posted by Jen at 3:08 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Last day of Kindergarten
The last day a Kindergarten was harder for me than the first day. It was saying goodbye to so many things. No more eating lunch separate from the rest of the school, a separate play ground, a special pick up and drop off area, an awesome teacher... it is making me tear up as I write this. Allison had a great Kindergarten year and I am sad to see it end. Allison on the other hand is more than excited to be in first grade. She is ready for the big playground, eating lunch with who she chooses and just being a bigger kid. She is ready, and I guess I have no choice in the matter! This year Mrs. Mitchell, Alli's teacher, was just perfect for her. She was loving but firm. She had so many great ideas and project and I know Allison learned a lot from her. We couldn't have asked for more. The day before the last day of school, her class had a teddy bear picnic. Each family brought food, we ate outside and the kids sang a few songs and poems for the parents. It was a great way to end the year.
Posted by Jen at 12:01 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
In June, Emily came home with her family for a visit. The highlight of her visit was taking a trip to Disneyland. The whole gang went! I'm a little disappointed because for some reason my camera did not have a lot of pictures on it ( I think mom has ALL the pictures on her camera!) For having two infants (June & Abby) three toddlers (Grace, Charlie & Josh) and two "kids"(Alli & Zach) we had a great day. With Em, Ben, Nora, Adam, Grandma, Ryan and myself, that makes 14! Nora and Em were troopers with breastfeeding their babies on It's a Small World.! The highlight for me was watching my kids faces when I surprised them with cotton candy. Any place we ever go that has cotton candy they beg to have some. They are very good when I say no. They have been turned down countless of times! So, I thought I would surprise them at Disneyland. The look on their faces was priceless! I love the simple things that make kids so happy. It was a super day!
Posted by Jen at 1:28 PM 5 comments
Monday, July 20, 2009
Chicken Coop
Finished coop
Messy, baby chickens
The helpers!
Posted by Jen at 12:10 PM 3 comments
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Blogging Slacker
I have been a blogging slacker to say the least. There has been sooo much to post and yet so little time, or desire, or whatever excuse I want to make. But I think I'm ready now to update anyone who cares on what we've been up to over the last few months. So stay tuned!
Posted by Jen at 4:40 PM 1 comments
Monday, May 4, 2009
Tub Talk
Last night when I was giving the kids a bath, Allison panicked when she saw a daddy-long-leg on the wall. She said, "Mom is that going to bite us?" She then asked me what kind of bug it was. I told her that it was called a daddy-long-leg and that they don't bite. "Oh good," she said. Then without hesitation, and complete seriousness, she said, "I think it's only brother-long-legs that bite." I think Zachary had been "bugging" her a little too much in the tub!
Posted by Jen at 2:39 PM 2 comments
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Camping at Pismo Beach
Posted by Jen at 3:56 PM 3 comments
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Fun Month!
The past month has been a fun one. Ryan planted a garden with the kids, he does it every year and they love it. We also went to Disneyland on Ryan's birthday. It was a school holiday so we made the day of it! We had such a great time. After Nora had her baby we took Charlie for a few days and had the best time with him. We made cookies, watched Mickey Mouse Club House (with the stuffed characters, of course, that we got at Disneyland) played outside a lot, and went to Allison's awards assembly. She got a perfect attendance award and a reading award. She was so proud! It was worth the hassle of waking up the three boys from their naps to drag them to a hot cafeteria, to be at a not very exciting hour assembly. It was a pain for me, but it meant the world to Allison! To top off the month the kids got to meet baby June. They were sooo excited to finally meet their new cousin. All these fun activities and this warm weather is making me excited for summer! It's my favorite time of year. Here is another's just easier to make than posting a million pictures!
Posted by Jen at 10:26 AM 3 comments
Saturday, March 21, 2009
1st Haircut
I finally took Josh to get his first haircut. He has needed it for a while, but I just kept putting it off. Maybe because I don't want my baby to look more gown up! We went to the a place called the Yellow Balloon. We took Zach there for his first haircut too. They get a cookie (which my kids love) play with toys, and of course when it's all done they get a yellow balloon. We also got to take home a certificate and some of Josh's hair. Ryan doesn't really see the point ( he wanted to cut it himself) but I wanted the memories and I think Josh had fun as well!
Posted by Jen at 12:27 PM 8 comments
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Happy 1st Birthday Josh!
Joshua is officially a year old! I feel a little sad knowing that he is not so much a baby anymore, but I know I just need to enjoy the present because it all goes by way too fast. He is interacting so much more with Alli and Zach and that it is fun to watch. He loves to play with balls, loves to eat, loves his bath, loves to be outside, and loves to be where the action is. He is just a fun baby. At his one year check-up he weighed 20lbs which is 25% and 30in which is 50%. For his first birthday we had Grandma, Auntie Nora, Uncle Adam, and Charlie over for dinner. We barbecued hamburgers (which Josh loved) and had a nice evening together. Josh LOVED his cake and probably would have eaten it all if I hadn't taken it away from him! Happy Birthday sweet boy!
Posted by Jen at 11:41 AM 5 comments
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Josh at 10 & 11 months
Zach 10 months
Zach 11 months
Alli 10 months
Alli 11 months
Posted by Jen at 9:24 AM 2 comments