Fourth of July this year was fun as usual. We had our second annual bike/bbq/parade party down in Huntington Beach. Nora has a nice friend who lets us come, crash on her lawn, and watch the parade. There is great food, an awesome parade, and great company. This year David and Kenna joined us with little Addie who at one month enjoyed her first bike ride. Uncle Stevie was down and of course Grandma, the Kochs, and us!
The Gang!
This was Alli's first time riding her two wheeler down to the parade. She did a great job keeping up with all of us. She is getting so big!
Zachary was bumped out of the trailer and rode on the bike attachment
Joshy was buddied up with June bug and kept taking her paci in and out of her mouth. She didn't seem to mind. It was better than the alternative of Charlie riding with Josh. Charlie was originally placed with Josh, but within seconds Charlie was whacking away and Josh was in tears. So..."solitary confinement" it was for Charlie boy!
That was such a FUN time!! I still can't believe Alli rode the two wheeler bike!! Too big!
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